Super fun and rewarding! The simplest way to describe what it was like to apply my creative brainpower to the 1st official event of Women Techmakers North Jersey during International Women's Month in March. Women Techmakers is Google's global brand and program for women in technology. As one of 4 founding members of this group's North Jersey chapter, I thought it the perfect opportunity to lend my talents.
The notion behind this logo: becoming a student of tech, embracing the unknown and connecting tech to you! Women Techmakers North Jersey aspires to provide female (and male) tech enthusiasts an inviting space for personal and professional development to gather, gain and grow technology expertise.
In addition to spearheading the event name, Techmakers U, my firm designed the logo and produced the Techmakers U promo video. We also had a hand in the inclusion of a Design Sprint, which marries lean startup with design thinking (sort of like the LSM weekend I organized last year, but for tech design and in 2 hours!). The event drew over 80 participants, and I'm happy to report, Techmakers U will be a bi-annual series for Women Techmakers North Jersey, bringing exciting tech events to both men and women! Raiser Blade is happy to have partnered with Propel Media Group, Google Developer Group North Jersey and the sponsors, including Google, GNEC, Rising Tide Capital, Ignite Institute, and Websignia on this successful event.
Cool fact: Our logo inspired the next generation of techies, young female winners of the Lexus Eco Challenge from Jersey City's P.S. 28 STEM program, Project Reservoir! See below...