Landing helps the living. This has several meanings.
By coming down from the skies, we can use what we learned up there, on the ground to help those who need it most.
Our missional focus is a model for others who are still working to lay hold of their purpose, mission and bravery to live it. In other words, how and when you move impact others who are stuck.
When we refuse to ground ourselves for a moment, any gains, tools, knowledge and wisdom we possess goes underutilized and serves no practical purpose in the world.
Grounding is:
Getting up close and personal;
Finding your fit;
Working in your area of genius;
Being available to help others and;
Offering your wisdom.
Lately, I’ve noticed that Landing On Purpose frameworks and coaching are helping people in grief or transition from major points of change or pain. Engage the questions below and reserve your coaching moment.
Is there a person, place or people group you’ve been moved to impact? Why? Identify who and where it is.
What does “getting grounded” mean to you?
How do you imagine bringing your gifts and skills to the “ground” will contribute, inspire or influence the person(s) or place you identified above? Be specific.
Share your journey in the comments or reserve your complimentary LOVE15 coaching.
About the Author
April Peters is Founder and CEO of Landing On Purpose, an educational consulting company that holds a safe space for people to get clear, focused, and missional. Her book, Landing On Purpose: 5 Steps to Discover and State Your Passion, helps ground people in their mission and grow their lives, work, and relationships from a place of meaning. April is committed to helping folks find freedom and uncover their value and message through Landing On Purpose.